install validator

Use this command to install the validator software on your server. This is helpful, for example, if you used to run a validator node, then removed it from your server and now want to get it back up and running.

  1. In the drop-down list, select install validator.

  2. Configure your validator as needed:

  • Validator name: your validator's ID used for monitoring.

  • Local secrets path: a path to the directory on your server where your validator’s key pairs are stored (e.g., /root/.secrets).

  • Swap file size, gb: the size of the swap file on your server.

  • Ramdisk size, gb: the size of the RAM disk on your server (0 or 100+ Gb).

  • Solana client: Solana or Jito.

  • Solana version: Solana software version.

We highly recommend creating a RAM disk with as much RAM as you can possibly allocate for your validator to make sure it performs and votes well. Please note that a small RAM disk is worse than none. This is why you can set either O or 100+ Gb.

In Advanced Settings, enter custom paths provided they already exist, or leave the fields empty to use default paths (grayed out placeholders):

  • Ledger path: blockchain ledger data, including transactions and signatures.

  • Accounts path: location for storing account data, such as balances and account states.

  • Snapshots path: snapshots of the Solana blockchain state at specific intervals are saved for quick synchronization.

  • Accounts hash cache path: cache of the hashes of account states.

When specifying a path, make sure that it already exists. Failure to do so may lead to irreversible changes.

  1. Click the Run Command button.

You can view your validator's configuration in CLI by running this command:

cat /etc/default/solana-validator

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